Automobile Accidents
If you have been seriously injured in an auto accident, the sooner you contact an experienced auto accident attorney the better off you will be. The lawyers at Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter have extensive experience, knowledge, and proven results in representing all types of Warren County auto accidents, as well as auto accidents in other New Jersey counties and eastern Pennsylvania. Give yourself time to heal while one of our auto accident attorneys helps to take some of the stress and worry out of your auto accident injury.

Auto Accidents Cause Serious Injury and Damage
According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), one person out of every three will be injured at some point in a car accident. Throughout the country, the NHSTA reports that 50 million people are injured in traffic accidents each year.
The NHTSA reported that in 2008 there were 37,261 auto accidents that resulted in fatalities in New Jersey. Of those fatalities, six were from auto accidents in Warren County. Statistics also showed that there were 3,844 car crashes in Warren County in 2008 resulting in 842 injuries.
If you or a loved one is seriously injured in an auto accident in Warren County, you need the advice and counsel of an experienced auto accident lawyer in Warren County. Letting a skilled auto accident attorney represent you gives you the time you need to recuperate and heal from your injuries. It also prevents you from making mistakes or saying something that may negatively affect your case. If you need to file an auto accident lawsuit, you should have auto accident attorneys at your side from the beginning.
Our Auto Accident Lawyers Can Help
If you have suffered an auto accident injury, contact Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter at 908-689-0992
or by e-mail at One of our experienced lawyers will speak to your insurance company on your behalf and will attempt to negotiate a settlement. If a settlement is not possible, we will investigate the possibility of bringing an auto accident lawsuit to court on your behalf. Most personal injury cases of this type do settle.
The law firm of Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter is ready to put our wealth of experience to work for you. Contact us to protect your rights and seek fair and reasonable compensation for your loss. There is no charge for an initial consultation and you do not pay a penny until we recover for you.

Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter is a multi-service law firm in Washington, NJ, serving clients in Warren, Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, and Sussex Counties in New Jersey and in Hackettstown, NJ, as well as Easton, Allentown, Northampton, Lehigh and many other communities in Eastern Pennsylvania.
Traffic Ticket or A Criminal Violation
If you received a traffic ticket or other criminal violation you may have also gotten unsolicited mail offering legal help.
If you find this practice as offensive as we do, call our law firm at: 908-689-0992 or email us at Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter will handle your problem in a professional manner. For more information on municipal violations or criminal charges in New Jersey or any charges in Pennsylvania.
"The Good Lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency,....but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape."
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Thomas P. Fischer is a member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum recognized as the most prestigious group of trial lawyers in the United States. Membership is limited to attorneys who have won million and multi-million dollar verdicts, awards and settlements.