Speeding Tickets
A speeding ticket can have long lasting consequences. The violation can remain on your driving record for years. Receiving just one ticket can significantly increase your insurance premiums for three years. A speeding ticket can lead to suspension of your license and imposition of a statutory yearly surcharge if you accumulate too many points on your license.
Drivers license point system
In addition to fines and penalties imposed by a court for speeding tickets, you can receive points on your driving record, as well as a surcharge for those points. Some examples of penalties you can expect to incur for a speeding ticket include:
- Exceeding the speed limit, up to and including 14 miles per hour over the speed limit—2 points
- Exceeding the speed limit by 15 or more, up to and including 29 miles per hour—4 points
- Exceeding the speed limit by 30 or more miles per hour—5 points. Plus municipal court judges are likely to suspend your license for a period of time
Fighting a speeding ticket
Contesting a speeding ticket is best accomplished with the assistance of an experienced attorney. You need someone who knows how to mount the best possible defense on your behalf. We have been fighting speeding tickets throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania for years. An attorney with Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter can, help you get out of a speeding ticket, minimize fines, penalties, and suspension of license.
Your attorney at Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter will attempt to plea bargain on your behalf. The higher the points, the more you can benefit from an attorney who will negotiate with a prosecutor. Remember, if you are assigned points on your driver license, you will have to pay point surcharges, often for many years, in addition to any court-imposed fines and penalties.
Are you looking to beat a speeding ticket?
Beating a speeding ticket is not easily accomplished. Be wise and hire a law firm who has proven results in this area.

Contact Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter to speak to a highly regarded speeding ticket defense attorney in New Jersey today at 908-689-0992 or info@bfz-legal.com.
Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter is a multi-service law firm in Washington, NJ, serving clients in Warren, Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, and Sussex Counties in New Jersey and in Hackettstown, NJ, as well as Easton, Allentown, Northampton, Lehigh and many other communities in Eastern Pennsylvania.
Traffic Ticket or A Criminal Violation
If you received a traffic ticket or other criminal violation you may have also gotten unsolicited mail offering legal help.
If you find this practice as offensive as we do, call our law firm at: 908-689-0992 or email us at info@bfz-legal.com. Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter will handle your problem in a professional manner. For more information on municipal violations or criminal charges in New Jersey or any charges in Pennsylvania.
"The Good Lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency,....but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape."
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Thomas P. Fischer is a member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum recognized as the most prestigious group of trial lawyers in the United States. Membership is limited to attorneys who have won million and multi-million dollar verdicts, awards and settlements.