Workers' Compensation
Workers' Compensation, sometimes referred to as "Workman's Compensation" or "Worker's Comp", is the name given to a system of laws meant to protect injured workers. The goal is to make sure that somebody who is injured at work receives appropriate medical care and lost wages relating to the on-the-job injury, and if necessary, retraining and rehabilitation, so as to be able to return to the workforce. When workers are killed on the job, members of the workers' families are ordinarily eligible for benefits.
Frequently, injured workers will benefit from consulting an attorney who can advise them in protecting their Worker's Compensation benefits and defending against the premature termination of benefits.
The attorneys at Broscious, Fischer and Zaiter have years of experience successfully representing workers in both New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania.

All employers have a responsibility to keep employees reasonably safe from harm, and to provide for them if they become injured on the job and are no longer able to work. Workers’ compensation claims often can be extremely complicated. Sometimes employers or even insurance companies will deny claims or even terminate disability payments. the experienced attorneys at Broscious, Fischer and Zaiter are able to navigate through all the paperwork and deliver to their clients much success.
If any of the following are true, call the law offices of Broscious, Fischer and Zaiter at 908-689-0992 or by e-mail at
- Your workplace injuries are severe enough to require surgery
- Your workplace injuries are moderate to severe. if you and your doctor believe your health won't return to the condition it was prior to your injury, you may be entitled to a "permanent partial disability" award.
- You believe you are no longer able to work on a regular basis in any job.
- You believe you cannot go back to work at your current job, but believe you could work in some capacity.
- You have significant pre-existing disabilities.
- You would like to dispute an adverse decision made by your employer, your employer's insurance company, or your state's workers' compensation division regarding your workers' compensation claim.
- You believe you are not receiving the correct benefits, or wonder if there are additional benefits you could receive.
- Your medical benefits are denied.
- Your employer has disputed a decision made by your state workers' compensation division.
- You do not understand the worker's compensation process and would feel more comfortable if an expert were representing your best interests.
Regardless of the circumstances of your workers' compensation claim, you are entitled to obtain an attorney. If your injuries are severe enough that your life will be permanently alters, either because of permanent bodily impairment or a change in ability to work, the lawyers at Broscious, Fischer and Zaiter will be able to advocate on your behalf to ensure that you receive the medical care and workers' compensation benefits you are entitled to.
In addition, if your injury may keep you from working permanently, our experienced lawyers can advise you about filing for Social Security disability benefits.
If you have a Workers' Compensation need or question call 908-689-0992 or e-mail

The above noted verdicts and settlements should not create an expectation that similar results can be obtained for others without regard to the specific factual and legal circumstances.
Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter is a multi-service law firm in Washington, NJ, serving clients in Warren, Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, and Sussex Counties in New Jersey and in Hackettstown, NJ, as well as Easton, Allentown, Northampton, Lehigh and many other communities in Eastern Pennsylvania.
Traffic Ticket or A Criminal Violation
If you received a traffic ticket or other criminal violation you may have also gotten unsolicited mail offering legal help.
If you find this practice as offensive as we do, call our law firm at: 908-689-0992 or email us at Broscious, Fischer & Zaiter will handle your problem in a professional manner. For more information on municipal violations or criminal charges in New Jersey or any charges in Pennsylvania.
"The Good Lawyer is not the man who has an eye to every side and angle of contingency,....but who throws himself on your part so heartily, that he can get you out of a scrape."
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Thomas P. Fischer is a member of The Million Dollar Advocates Forum recognized as the most prestigious group of trial lawyers in the United States. Membership is limited to attorneys who have won million and multi-million dollar verdicts, awards and settlements.